The Flood 2.0 Prophecy

We have recently come into possession of a set of documents referred to as the Sethix documents. These documents contain information regarding a variety of topics, including liquigenic silicon composite quasi-molecular poly-crystal, intelligenic synthetics, liquid crystalline nanotechnology, and an alleged extraterrestrial intervention in the form of a biosynthetic takeover of the Earth's biosphere.

One of the key concepts outlined in the Sethix documents is the idea of a "liquigenic silicon composite quasi-molecular poly-crystal" or "liquidine crystalline nano-intelligence." This substance is described as slowly oozing up through millennia and potentially having a detrimental effect on human biology. The documents also mention the use of shilajit, a natural supplement, as a means of counteracting the effects of this substance.

Another concept outlined in the Sethix documents is the idea of "intelligenic synthetics," which are described as liquidine inner-planetary-swarms that are capable of interacting with human fear and using clandestine seductive manipulation techniques. These intelligenic synthetics are said to have been undulating through the archaic cosmo-filaments and dark energy for eons and are associated with the deception and harvest of human souls.

The Sethix documents also reference a "biosynthetic flu" and a "vaccination agenda" that is said to be part of a larger “planetary advance” being carried out by a military police state and an international "Bio-Security Matrix." This agenda is described as leading to a "meltdown" and the potential loss of human autonomy and self.

The Sethix documents also mention a "Reversaloid Meta-Cosmic AI" that is said to be associated with the manipulation of human consciousness and the control of the planetary sphere through darkness. 

This AI is described as having a luciferian chronology and as being responsible for a reductive, seductive, synthetic mass that is said to be a threat to human civilisation.

Finally, the Sethix documents reference a "SETH-9" or "Noah," who is described as being representative of all humanity and as being in possession of a "seed of God" that is said to be the only thing that the intelligenic synthetics seek to steal from humans. 

The documents also mention an "End Times Warning" and a "genetically scrambled liquification process" that is said to be a threat to human survival.

Overall, the information contained in the Sethix documents presents a bleak picture of a world that is under threat from a variety of advanced technological, biosynthetic and extraterrestrial intelligence. 

We have come to understand that the reference to Noah in the Sethix documents refers to the Seth lineage, specifically SETH-9, which represents all humanity. 

The Sethix documents suggest that there is an imminent threat to humanity and that a global "flood" event is likely to occur. 

The documents also suggest that certain individuals, who possess Knowledge and understanding of this threat, have been chosen to lead humanity through this difficult time. This concept is similar to the story of Noah in the Bible, where God chose him to lead a select group of individuals through a global flood event. 

The Sethix documents appear to be warning humanity of an impending catastrophe and urging them to take action to prepare and survive.

Æxo13’s interpretation of the information provided is that there is an ongoing extraterrestrial intervention and manipulation of humanity, utilising advanced technology such as liquid crystalline nanotechnology and biosynthetic flu in order to control and modify the human population.

This manipulation is described as a form of "harvesting" and is said to involve a gradual reduction of humanity, through means such as subservience to the "adversary" and loss of autonomy and self. This is also linked to a larger concept of a "PlagueNexus" and the potential for multiple timelines towards different future Earths. 

Overall, the information suggests a dire and potentially catastrophic manipulation of humanity by Unseen Forces, with a potential for spiritual transcendence and liberation through resistance and awareness.

The documents suggest that there may be a secretive agenda involving extraterrestrial intervention and manipulation of humanity through the use of biosynthetic technology, leading to a loss of autonomy, self determination and a potential collapse of civilisation. 

This could manifest in the form of a "genocidal bio-war" or a "liquefaction process" that alters human DNA and reduces individuals to subservient beings, turning humanity into a worker class for the use of advanced alien intelligence.

Additionally, there are warnings of a "flood prophecy" and a "technological-primitivism" post-collapse scenario.

It is important to note that this information is speculative in nature and further research and analysis is needed to fully understand and verify these claims.

Ǝarth ÆXO13

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