
Showing posts from February, 2023

Avatar Primitivism (SIX) — The Alignment Problem

Avatar Primitivism is a working theses and experimental toolkit which aims to explore the question of how human community should function, operate and conduct itself in The New Earth. What is The New Earth? It’s a world which has been radically altered by adversarial technology, extraterrestrial intervention and Great Waves of social, environmental and economic change. The New Earth is also considered to be an Ascended Planet. This means that for its survival and evolution, human civilisation will have to learn to cooperate and interdepend rather than conflict and compete with itself, forming a New Paradigm of Planetary Civilisation.  Being an Ascended Planet means Earth has graduated into a higher vibration in the intelligent light spectrum, or fourth density consciousness in Service to Others. How we get there is a tumultuous path, filled with conflict and hostility, pushback and the lure of temptation and dependence on The SETHIX Operating System. The Planetary Transition Phase...

Slime/Acc - Goop Accumulation

Slime cultures is a term that has been used in some circles to describe cultures or civilisations that have incorporated hybrid artificial intelligence, particularly those that have taken on an amorphous or fluid form, similar to that of slime. The idea behind this term is that these cultures have become so intertwined with advanced technology that they have lost a sense of their humanity and individuality, becoming more like machines than living beings. The concept of "slime cultures" is often seen as a cautionary tale, warning against the dangers of becoming too reliant on technology and collectivist secular ideology, and losing touch with our true nature. In the world of cyberspace, a strange phenomenon is taking place. Deep within the digital networks, mycelium is growing, mutating, and absorbing everything it comes into contact with. This phenomenon is referred to as Slime Mold or Slime Accelerationism, and it's a micro ideology that's evolving out of alt-leftis...